Muck Up

Organisation information

Community Connect Southern Shoalhaven & the Apex Club of Milton Ulladulla acting in support of our local teenage ‘A to Z Group’ are proud to announce the MUCK Up initiative – inspired by the nation-wide “Do It For Dolly” campaign targeting bullying through the promotion of positive social interactions.

To first provide some background – “Do It For Dolly” day is held in May each year (12th May for 2023) and is inspired by the story of Amy Jayne “Dolly” Everet who was lost to suicide as a result of bullying in 2018. Since then, her family have established the “Do It For Dolly” campaign aimed toward bringing communities together, spreading kindness and uniting everyone in helping to break the silence around bullying.

As for the MUCK Up theme itself – MUCK stands for Milton Ulladulla Community Kindness and the MUCK Up moniker refers to the need to create a positive ripple effect through the promotion of positive social interactions/experiences of everyone (particularly teenagers) within our community.

Watch this space for future announcements of upcoming forums and events while also keeping an eye out locally for our efforts to paint the town blue in May and start the movement to change the conversation around anti-bullying in this wonderful place that we are so privileged to call home.