Apex Club of Milton Ulladulla

Apex Service Club of Milton Ulladulla area (NSW South Coast, Australia) Members are community-minded individuals aged 18-50 years who meet twice per month.
PO Box 67 Ulladulla NSW 2539
Various local venues

Organisation information

Why join Apex?

Relax after work with a beer and a laugh. If you like fun and friendship with a bunch of blokes like yourself then Milton Ulladulla Apex Club is for you. Made up of a group of guys aged between 20-50 years. At Apex you will make lifelong friendships and it is a great way to meet new people. Nervous? Then bring a mate with you!

Would you like to help the Community?

Apex contributes to the local Milton Ulladulla community in many ways. We help other groups to run events big and small and often donate funds to worthy causes. Know of someone that needs a hand or something around town that needs doing? Then bring your idea along to Apex and together we will have a go. At Apex almost every dollar we raise and all our efforts are done around our town.

How much does it Cost?

Being an Apex member costs exactly NOTHING. That’s right – there is no charge
We meet for dinner which usually costs about $20. But even dinner is optional!

But how long will it take? I don’t have lots of time!

At Apex we understand that family and work are more important so we only ask you to come along when you can. Apex meets for dinner on the 1st and 3rd Monday each month with a break over Xmas.

About half of the meetings will be informal with activities such as sport and social. The other half will be a short, formal, chaired meeting followed by dinner and fun. In addition to meetings we will have a Service Work project about 6-8 times per year. This could be cooking a BBQ or painting a fence.

So with a few dinners and a bit of service you are probably committing to a minimum of about 50 hours all up. That’s less than an hour a week! Easy!

But what about family? Is my wife gunna think I am just goofing off?

Remember when you are going to Apex it’s not just a ‘beer with the boys’ you are helping the community! We have a number of family meetings through the year. It’s great to see all the kids getting together for a game and our partners for a chat. At Apex you are all part of the family.

But what’s in it for me? Being involved in Apex is good for
Get a feeling of achievement from helping others, learning new skills, and socialising
Your family will make new friends and you can be a role model for your kids
Network amongst your peers, enhance your profile and meet new business prospects
Help make Milton Ulladulla better for everyone!

Meeting DayMeeting TimeMeeting VenueMeeting More info
1st & 3rd Monday of every month
6:30 pm
Generally meet at a local club or pub.New members most welcome. Contact us to and come along to the next meeting