Connecting local volunteers and groups
Helping the helpers
Help one another. There's no time like the present and there's no present like the time.

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Community Connect Southern Shoalhaven
Our mission – to support local community groups and volunteers to better communicate, share, collaborate and succeed in their own goals and activities.
COMMUNITY CONNECT SOUTHERN SHOALHAVEN is a community organisation run by volunteers for volunteers. CCSS is generously auspiced by the Milton Ulladulla Business Chamber Inc. for the benefit of the whole local community.
Our goal is to help community volunteers and groups to Connect, Communicate and Collaborate through assistance, advice, information, education, and regular public meetings. We have some bold plans, so be patient with us as we continue to deliver on these long-term plans.
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What We Do
What is Community Connect going to do?
Connect volunteers and groups for easier communication, collaboration and minimise competition – groups / events are more successful and sustainable through collaboration.
Facilitate cost sharing through shared resources and attract additional financial support e.g. shared grants.
Source affordable training and local shared opportunities.
Improve information sharing and local awareness.
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The how
How Community Connect works
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Public Meetings (two-monthly) with group presentations and PR opportunities.
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Community Calendar of Events for public information and to aid event scheduling.
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Community & NFP Group Directory – contact details, brief description of activities and interests
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Community Equipment Register – who has what and how do we borrow it!
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Venues and Hire details.
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Social Media, Print and Radio promotion.
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Peer to Peer Support and Mentoring.
We will continue to develop and adapt as our community needs change, so stay in touch…
Phone 44181522 - POST PO BOX 1048, ULLADULLA NSW 2539
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online help
Need help managing your community group?
We are pleased to make available a fabulous on-line learning library specific for Not for Profits.
The Learning Library offers a mix of courses, guides, templates and regular webinars, all created by leading industry experts. An inexpensive licence allows any individual Volunteers or Groups to register & access the growing selection of online courses, how-to articles, checklists, online workshops, videos, and interviews with passionate volunteers, just like you. You’ll also be able to join live workshops, webinars and expert Q&A sessions.